Some items might not appear, depending on the model type you are using.
Available operations
The following operations can be performed remotely using a Web browser on a computer:
Displaying the machine's status or settings
Registering scan and fax destinations
Printing reports
Configuring network settings
Setting a password for changing the machine's configuration
Restoring the default values for the machine's configuration
Creating backup files of the machine's configuration
Restoring the machine's configuration from backup files
Supported Web browsers
Windows operating systems: Internet Explorer 5.0 or later
Mac OS X: Safari
To operate the machine via a Web browser, you must first configure the machine's TCP/IP settings.
If you use an older version of a supported Web browser or the Web browser has JavaScript and cookies disabled, display and operation problems may occur.
If you are using a proxy server, configure the Web browser settings as necessary. For details about the settings, contact your network administrator.
The previous page may not appear even if the back button of the Web browser is clicked. If this happens, click the refresh button of the Web browser.
Displayed information is not automatically refreshed. Click the [Reload] button in the upper right-hand corner of the main frame.
For details about TCP/IP settings, see Configuring the Machine.