Memory Card Explorer for RICOH


Title: Required Memory Window (D0000) may not be available.

Environment: Windows NT4

[OK]: Closes the dialog and MCERICOH does not start.


MCERICOH requires a 4kbyte memory window to communicate with the PC card controller. If the default memory window is not available at the MCERICOH startup, you receive the above error message. Normally, this means that another system device has already reserved the D0000-D3FFF memory window at Windows startup.

Solution / Workaround:

Reserve a 4kbyte memory window for MCERICOH using the following procedure.

1. Open a Command Prompt and enter the following command.

C:\WINDOWS> cd \progra~1\memory~1 [Enter]
C:\Program Files\Memory Card Explorer for RICOH> mcericoh /wd8 [Enter]

The result using the /wd8 switch in the example did not allow MCERICOH to start successfully. However,use of "mcericoh /we0" could start MCERICOH. So, the information visible in the device manager is sometimes not so accurate.

2. If MCERICOH starts without the "Memory Window may not be available" error message, memory window configuration has finished.
If the same error message appears at the MCERICOH startup, repeat steps 1 and 2 again for the next 4kbyte memory window.
Memory Window
/w option
Memory Window
/w option
D000-D3FF (default)
mcericoh /wd0
mcericoh /we0
mcericoh /wd4
mcericoh /we4
mcericoh /wd8
mcericoh /we8
mcericoh /wdc
mcericoh /wec

Once you succeeded in starting MCERICOH without this error message, the memory window setting is stored in the mcericoh.ini file. This allows you start the MCERICOH just by clicking on the MCERICOH program icon the next time.

If you could not succeeded in starting MCERICOH even after trying all of the above settings, your computer hardware does not allow MCERICOH to use a 4kbyte memory window in the memory range D000-EFFF.
You can either give up using MCERICOH with this computer, or try again after changing the computer's hardware configuration.

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